https://www.suitupmaine.org/4k8vy3o Local Vice-President Janet Baker and Grand Lodge Rep Matt Barnable attended the wreath laying ceremony at Province House in Halifax.
https://www.beecavebee.com/vpqbtos0 It was a poignant ceremony as this is the 30th anniversary of the Westray explosion.
Genesta Halloran-Peters, the widow of one of the Westray workers, gave a very moving speech, asking government, big business, employers, and all workers to put worker safety first at all times.
https://electroseleccio.cat/varrajwhu4CLC President Bea Bruske was also in attendance.
https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/wihqx0rhttp://www.galleriamoitre.com/k47on96 NSFL President Danny Cavanagh concluded the ceremony by inviting everyone to attend the Memorial Service for the 30th Anniversary of the Westray Disaster being held on May 9th from 7:00 to 8:00 pm at the Their Light Shall Always Shine Memorial Park, corner of Park Street & Walkerville Road, New Glasgow
